December 8, 2009

The Time Is Now, Live in the Light

Well, Breakfast was canceled because of the weather. I guess Auburn is white and covered in ice. I'm a little disappointed, except I didn't have to wake up at 5:20am.

I had a day of extreme frustration yesterday. I feel like I'm going to give myself a heart attack. So many frustrating and annoying things go on at my work. There is extreme micromanaging from the upper management, so much so that I spend a great deal of my time wasting time with checklists, scheduling programs, and other things that don't earn us business. Beyond that, there are so many things the company could be doing to save time and money, but I don't have a way to suggest it or implement it. (Hold on, the cutest kid in the world just woke up and I have to say good morning).

Caleb is potty training so I had to take him to the bathroom. These are not fun times, but he's doing well. Dry diaper.

Romans 13:11-14 is the wake up passage of the day. "The hour has come for you to wake from sleep." We need to cast off works of darkness and put on the armor of light. This means we need to stay away from the things that lead us into sin. Verse 13 says, "Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy." Although we don't all deal with everything on this list, here in the USA we know that sexual freedoms in society make it okay for people to allow there passions and desires rule. Sex is the center of a lot of our nations problems. There is now no reason to even get married, because people just have sex with any one at anytime.

We Christians need to be a light in this dark world. It is time now for us to be a shining spot in the darkness. Take pride in restraining from sexual immorality. Even things like jokes and inappropriate comments should be refrained from, as these things are only a sign of acceptance of this behavior.

Times up, dang it.

Praise God today. Praise God for Salvation.

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