August 31, 2009
iPod Event on 9/9/09

Internet Key Milestones (from AP)
1969: On Sept. 2, two computers at University of California, Los Angeles, exchange meaningless data in first test of Arpanet, an experimental military network. The first connection between two sites - UCLA and the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, Calif. - takes place on Oct. 29, though the network crashes after the first two letters of the word "logon." UC Santa Barbara and University of Utah later join.
1970: Arpanet gets first East Coast node, at Bolt, Beranek and Newman in Cambridge, Mass.
1972: Ray Tomlinson brings e-mail to the network, choosing "at" symbol as way to specify e-mail addresses belonging to other systems.
1973: Arpanet gets first international nodes, in England and Norway.
1974: Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn develop communications technique called TCP, allowing multiple networks to understand one another, creating a true Internet. Concept later splits into TCP/IP before formal adoption on Jan. 1, 1983.
1983: Domain name system is proposed. Creation of suffixes such as ".com," ''.gov" and ".edu" comes a year later.
1988: One of the first Internet worms, Morris, cripples thousands of computers.
1989: Quantum Computer Services, now AOL, introduces America Online service for Macintosh and Apple II computers, beginning an expansion that would connect nearly 27 million Americans online by 2002.
1990: Tim Berners-Lee creates the World Wide Web while developing ways to control computers remotely at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.
1993: Marc Andreessen and colleagues at University of Illinois create Mosaic, the first Web browser to combine graphics and text on a single page, opening the Web to the world with software that is easy to use.
1994: Andreessen and others on the Mosaic team form a company to develop the first commercial Web browser, Netscape, piquing the interest of Microsoft Corp. and other developers who would tap the Web's commerce potential. Two immigration lawyers introduce the world to spam, advertising their green card lottery services.
1995: Amazon.com Inc. opens its virtual doors.
1996: Passage of U.S. law curbing pornography online. Although key provisions are later struck down as unconstitutional, one that remains protects online services from liability for their users' conduct, allowing information - and misinformation - to thrive.
1998: Google Inc. forms out of a project that began in Stanford dorm rooms. U.S. government delegates oversight of domain name policies to Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN. Justice Department and 20 states sue Microsoft, accusing the maker of the ubiquitous Windows operating system of abusing its market power to thwart competition from Netscape and others.
1999: Napster popularizes music file-sharing and spawns successors that have permanently changed the recording industry. World Internet population surpasses 250 million.
2000: The dot-com boom of the 1990s becomes a bust as technology companies slide. Amazon.com, eBay and other sites are crippled in one of the first widespread uses of the denial-of-service attack, which floods a site with so much bogus traffic that legitimate users cannot visit.
2002: World Internet population surpasses 500 million.
2004: Mark Zuckerberg starts Facebook as a sophomore at Harvard University.
2005: Launch of YouTube video-sharing site.
2006: World Internet population surpasses 1 billion.
2007: Apple Inc. releases iPhone, introducing millions more to wireless Internet access.
2008: World Internet population surpasses 1.5 billion. China's Internet population reaches 250 million, surpassing the United States as the world's largest. Netscape's developers pull the plug on the pioneer browser, though an offshoot, Firefox, remains strong. Major airlines intensify deployment of Internet service on flights.
2009: The Seattle Post-Intelligencer becomes the first major daily newspaper to move entirely online. Google announces development of a free computer operating system designed for a user experience that primarily takes place on the Web.
August 30, 2009
BMW's Plug-in Hybrid Turbodiesel Concept

August 29, 2009
Fail Blog dot org
Why give up 85% of the Market?

Dew Labs Taste Test Part #3 (final)

Imogen is a Heap of Amazing
August 26, 2009
Dew Labs Taste Test Part #2
August 25, 2009
Stalker with an iPhone? There's An App For That.
Oops, I Read The Wrong Chapter
And now I have to get ready for work. Chapter 11:11-24 is a little too important for me to just quickly run through, and I also want to finish chapter 10, so I'll have to resume later. There is one thing I will leave you with today, think of use Gentiles as grafted into the family of God. Jews rejected Him and we were added to the family in the place of those who rejected Him. But we were not the original chosen people. Act accordingly. Be grateful for God's calling.
Praise God for His Calling.
August 24, 2009
Dew Labs Taste Test Part #1
God's Grace to Jews, Not Earned
Chapter 11:5-10 seems mostly for the Jews. Although, if I read it thinking of my own failure to "obtain" salvation on my own power, it says a whole lot more to me. Paul wrote about the fact that he was a full Jew with all the rights and heritage needed to be considered a "Jew's Jew. But without grace, there would have been no salvation. He quotes old testament in verses 8-10 and it is scary to think about. "God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that would not see, and ears that would not hear..."
Sin is so powerful in our lives. If we are not constantly focusing and refocusing ourselves on God, on Christ, and on the Spirit's prompting, we will not live lives that glorify God. Without this as the desire of our hearts, we need to reevaluate our place in God's plan of grace. We need to beg on our needs to that grace to be "lavished" on us. David cried out all throughout the Psalms for God's mercy and grace. Who are we to not realize our desperate need as well?
God saves us by grace. We can not earn this salvation we desperately need. We must ask God for that salvation. We must hope in Him for the salvation we can't earn. We must rely on his love and grace and mercy to save us. "Not by works of righteousness that we have done." I always come back to that verse. Don't think this is a license to sin, because it's not. And you are responsible for your sin, so don't sin (good luck with that). "By grace you have been saved through faith."
Praise God for His Grace.
August 23, 2009
Mountain Dew Hillbilly Roots
August 22, 2009
Jay Leno's New Show Will Probably Be Really Good
When Mountain Dew Throwback Returns
August 16, 2009
And Now, a Public Service Announcement About Texting While Driving
Here's a Van
my son plays with But this is a sweet looking van compared to what's
Cheesecake Factory Needs to Change the Way They Do Refills

Jimmy's New GM

August 12, 2009
Jimmy the Gun is Moving

August 11, 2009
Dew Labs
Crystal Pepsi May Return as Pepsi Clear

August 10, 2009
Pepsi and Mountain Dew Throwback Will Be Back
![]() |
From Jimmy the Gun |
Righteousness Through Christ, Not the Law
I love the New King James version of Titus 3:5 because my wife and I originally learned it together in a Bible study. It goes like this:
NKJ "not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit"
or my current version, English Standard Version:
ESV "he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit"
They both help us realize we can no earn salvation through good works we do. It is only the mercy of God through the gracious gift of His Son that we can have salvation from our sins.
Praise God for Righteousness through Christ and His Mercy.
August 7, 2009
Nestlé Dark Chocolate Raisinets

August 5, 2009
Righteousness Attained Through Faith, not The Law
I have to realize that there are stumbling blocks in life that I will trip over; sins I will commit that will disqualify me from attaining righteousness on my own. Thank God for His Son Jesus. Only by faith in His payment for those sins can I be confident in my righteousness. In Him I am righteous in the eyes of God. Only through faith in Jesus can I attain righteousness. I am a wretched sinner, saved by Christ, saved by faith in the payment He made for my life. Praise God it's not up to my abilities to do good.
Praise God for Christ.
August 3, 2009
Jay Leno On Top Gear
Bank Teller Fired After Stopping A Robber (American Pansies?)
Who Are We to Argue with God?
I just realized I keep saying, "those who reject Him," when I should be saying "those whom He designed for death." Yikes!
Praise God for His Choosing.