January 8, 2009

It Is To Show HIS Righteousness

Romans is really a hard but powerful study. It is a book that has many well known verses. Romans 3:21-26 is today's study and contains verse 23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." This is a powerful verse, able to show people that no one is righteous, no one has or can earn Heaven and eternity with God.

The righteousness of God has been and always will be. It is God. Righteousness is God's character. And it has been manifested through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. We are all sinners, falling short of the glory of God. We are only justified by the grace of God given in the gift of Jesus, who redeems us through His blood. Only by faith in the payment for our sins made by Jesus can we have the hope of salvation. This hope is only understood by believers as fulfillment of God's promise to save those who believe in Him.

Here's a part of this that is sometimes forgotten by the selfishness and pride of mankind. He died to save us for HIS glory. verse 26 says, "It was to show His righteousness at the present time so that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus." Too often we think that the statement ends at "Christ died for ME." It should go like more this, "Christ died to save me from my sins to glorify Himself and to show us that only He can justify us." Salvation comes from Christ alone. We are saved by faith in Him, called to be His children and follow Him.

Praise God for His Justification.
Praise God for His Provision of Salvation through Christ.

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