March 15, 2009

My Week Long Love Affair with Pepsi Natural

It's been a week now since I discovered and tasted Pepsi Natural. And I have to say, I love it. It's really good. Drinking out of a glass bottle, feeling like it may be better for me than Pepsi with HFCS, the taste, the bubbles, the textures, it's a great drink. I long for it all day. I've managed to keep myself at one a day, but it's good. I hope it stays around. It's a little expensive compared to other sodas, but I enjoy it enough to keep drinking it. The weirdest thing so far is that I can't seem to find information about it on Pepsi's website. If you haven't tried it, head to Target. It's good stuff. It was on sale this past week too. I'm not sure it still is.

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