October 27, 2009

MS Windows 7 Launched on Today Show...with a big Oops!

So, Microsoft introduced Windows 7 on NBC's Today show a few days ago. Two funny things: First, the graphic of the Windows 7 logo in the background is overlaid on an Apple MacBook Pro. Second, Matt Lauer (a moron in his own right) talked about how Apple seems to be considered the "cool" company. Great launch info Matt. I can only imagine what Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's CEO, was thinking as Matt was saying that. At the end Matt added, "By the way, we should mention Microsoft is part owner in MSNBC...important to get that out." So is he saying they are biased by Microsoft? Why is that important to get out? Again, Matt is a moron, just like the graphics guy for the Today Show. Found on CrunchGear. UDPATE: I just found these too: The Japan Launch? Windows 98 Launch? "Hey Bill." An Explanation:

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