February 11, 2009

Crazy Love - Chapter 1, Stop Praying

Jordan, Stuart, and I had our first chapter book review of "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan yesterday morning. I'm really starting to find that time so valuable. It's encouraging, challenging, practical, and educational. The first chapter is titled "Stop Praying." The highlights of our discussion focused on some of the great ideas and truths Francis wrote about.

First, the title of the chapter almost seems wrong because of what it sounds like he's saying. But it was really about stopping and reflecting on what you are praying. Are you praying out your wish list to God? It's time to reflect on God. He created everything from the universe to the bone structure of insects and more. God is great and powerful and amazing. In today's society "we are slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to become angry." This is the opposite of what James 1:19 tells us.

Second, he talked about the fact that we can not make God who and how we want Him to be. He listed some of God's characteristics and that God described Himself as "I Am who I Am." God is holy. God is eternal. God is all-knowing. God is all-powerful. God is fair and just.

I did learn that I'm going to need to highlight as I read, and even take some notes while we talk to do a better review. This week, I'm responsible for being the most prepared with the chapter, in case these to great guys aren't. I don't think I'll anything to worry about but I want to do a good job of being prepared. Overall, chapter one helped me think about the way I pray, and I'm hoping to change my pray habits and style. First, I just need to pray more. Second, I need to pray better.

God is God. I am not. I am hopeless and helpless without Him. I can only hope in Him.

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