January 27, 2010

Hope In Christ, Listen to the Spirit

It happens so often that I should know by now that when I need ANYTHING I should just open my Bible. Today I have an interview for a different position with the bank. I'm very nervous about it because I really want the position. And, although my training and experience is right of the position, I want to do a good job in this interview of relaying that. I'm nervous and anxious about it. I've been praying about it a lot, but I think with a weak faith. So much is wrong with my spiritual life, that I can't just hope that God is listening to my prayers.

Well, Romans 15:8-13 reminds me of a greater hope. Christ. And from that hope comes joy and peace in believing. The power of the Holy Spirit is with us who are saved. Too often we ignore the Holy Spirit and drown out His comforts and the hope that comes from the Spirit with worries about life. Our purpose here is to bring glory to God, not to be successful in our worldly endeavors. Verses 11-12 are quotes from the old testament about praising God and rejoicing and hoping in Him (2 Sam. 22:50, Psa. 18:49, Deut. 32:43, Psa. 117:1, and Isa. 11:10). We must listen to to the Holy Spirit. We must recognize we are here for a short time and must strive to glorify God in what we do.

Praise God for His Holy Spirit.
Praise God for Hope.

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