July 4, 2010

A Blog Post About Nothing

I know that there aren't many of you who read my blog, so it's not really important what I write.  I really only have a blog because I like to practice writing, I love having a place to share interesting (at least to me) stories and information, and because it's a way to pass the time.  I'm literally sitting here with nothing to write about.  I figured I would start typing and see where it led.  I have such a random thought process; I figure either something interesting will come out of this or I will get to laugh at the fact that someone read it and completely wasted their time.

I did pass the old Mervyn's on Blue Oaks today and saw that someone has stolen my idea to turn it into a theater.  The sign said a 16 plex is going in called "The Blue Oaks Cinema."  16 sounds like too many for the building, but I'm excited for another theater.  I wish them well in my venture.  I don't have the capital necessary to do anything with my hair brained ideas.

Speaking of hair brained ideas: I have a few of my own.  I would love to open a sports bar and grill type place.  I've talked about it for 8+ years now.  Originally, my old roommate and I talked at length about a Dave and Busters in Roseville.  Ryan and I even went as far as looking into the franchise requirements, which at that time were either not available or way too expensive for us.  And now there is a D&B in Roseville, although it's too small and poorly laid out.  It's definitely not like other D&B's I've been in.  (or should I have said, "in which I've been"?)

I started this new thing, I didn't want to start, where I don't want to end my sentences with prepositions.  It started with a TV show I watched ( I think it was House, which has become a favorite), and now I keep trying not to end sentences with them.  Of course, I just found a site where the illegal use of prepositions at the end of sentences is mostly dispelled.  Visit my new favorite grammar helping site (mostly because the article is read to me by the writer as a Podcast directly on the site).  Here is Grammar Girl telling us it's okay to end a sentence with a preposition.

Anyway, that's enough for now, mostly because my wife finished her work and I can now watch another syndicated episode of House.

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