Due to job/income changes, we are having to sell our house. AND, because the value is not near what we owe on the place, we are attempting a short sale. Our lender Countrywide, now Bank of America, continues to drag their feet, SO MUCH SO, our buyer's offer from the end of March was just pulled. I couldn't believe the buyer hung in as long as he did. 5 months is a looong escrow...and we weren't even in escrow yet. We were still just waiting for B of A to say, "yes" and accept the offer. Now we hope the backup offer is still in place but it's a few months old now too.
B of A / Countrywide is a huge problem. They keep changing "negotiators" on us, which resets the clock every time so the new negotiator can "review" the file. It's a joke really. We have a good market value offer on our home, and Bank of America/Countrywide won't move forward with the offer. It's getting stupid. I don't understand why they would rather force us and them into foreclosure instead of accepting a good offer.
And we tried with them. We sent hardship letters and called them and faxed them and had our realtor call, but there has never been any help from them. It seems like they want to force people into foreclosure and take back the houses and try to sell them on their own which, according to my realtor, they are not getting offers near what we had. These REO's (or bank owned homes) are not going for the types of offers we've presented. So here it is:
Dear Bank of America/Countrywide,
Get your stuff together you morons!
Jimmy the Gun
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